I FINALLY got to spend some quality time with Addie and Mandy St. Leger on Tuesday. She is GEORGEOUS... Addie, that is... well, duh, and Mandy... ok.
Mandy is such a relaxed Mom (and looks amazing after having a baby only 8 weeks ago); it rubs off on little Addie- she is so mellow! I'm so glad I finally got to spend time with them!
Just for fun, enjoy a little before and after shot of us... back in the days when lycra ruled our lives and we had no problem prancing around in next to nothing... damn I miss that body =)
Wow, we were hot back then huh? I love that pic where did you get it? And good call on the b/w shot...looks so much better.
By the way, thank you so much for coming over. It was great seeing you!
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